The Sammons Lab is located in the Life Sciences Building on the Uptown Campus of the State University of New York at Albany (University at Albany).

Our shipping address is:

1400 Washington Avenue
Life Sciences Building 2075
Albany, NY 1222

Our phone numbers are:

Lab Phone: 518-442-4326

Morgan’s Office: 518-442-4526

Personal contact information is available in the lab Slack group (p53ome)

University Police
2-3131 (from campus phone)
(518)-442-3131 (from cell)

For Emergencies, Dial 911

24/7 Off Campus Sexual Assault Hotline

Student Health Services: Primariily for undergraduate students
(518)-442-5454 (most things)
(518)-442-5229 (appointments)

Title IX Coordinator:

Ms. Jessica Moran
Manager, Life Sciences Building Facilities
LS 1065
phone: (518) 437-4414

Jessica is your contact for building related issues and for scheduling conference rooms for research purposes only (lab meetings, talks, etc).

Dr. Kim DeWeerd
Supervisor, Molecular Biology / Tissue Culture Core
LS 1072
phone: (518) 591-8831

Kim is in charge of the Tissue and Molecular Cores in the Life Sciences Building. Any issues with equipment or with reservation of core facilities should be discussed with Morgan and/or Kim.