####Shipping We use United Parcel Service (UPS) for most of our lab shipping needs. If you need something shipped, let Morgan know and he’ll help out.

We normally keep 3-5 styrofoam boxes (with accompanying cardboard box secondary containers) under the centrifuges in the main lab. Feel free to use them when we need to ship items on ice, ice packs, or dry ice. We don’t keep around lots of other types/sizes of boxes, so if you need to ship something in one of those, be sure to grab it when something else is delivered!

If you need other shipping supplies (envelopes, padded large envelopes, standard UPS boxes), we sometimes have some in a cabinet under the first bench in the lab.

If we are out, please go to UAlbany Mail Services, in the basement just past the Catskill building (old Business Administration building). Check their website for hours or give them a call. Please note that during the beginning of every semester, Mail Services is jammed with undergraduates pickup up packages. It sometimes takes awhile!

If you are shipping an envelope using UPS, there is a dropbox between the Performing Arts Center and the College of Arts and Sciences Building on the Podium. The pickup time is 5:30.

If you are shipping anything perishable, you should drop it off at Mail Services before 10AM AND confirm they will have a UPS pickup that day. We can always drive any package over the the UPS Store on Central Avenue if need be.

####Receiving Almost all of our packages arrive at the Life Sciences Loading Dock and are delivered directly to the lab by Dane Cellupica. When Dane has a day off, packages are normally delivered to the CAS Scientific Store in the Chemistry Building basement.

That’s pretty much it. That’s receiving.